There is liberation from the tyranny of prejudice. June 1, 2015–Old man’s thoughts this month!


‎Monday, ‎June ‎01, ‎2015
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Welcome to June 2015—Old man’s Thoughts:
How many of you believe in Naturalo law? How many of you even understand what Natural law means? Well, let me explain what I always felt that word means then maybe you understand where I come from and hopefully YOU will also start living the same way because after all what is there besides Life and death? Natural law means to me things that work together will always remain as well as stay together. You can’t force something into something that doesn’t wish to fit. For example your not able to force a square into a circle or a circle into a square. After all that is what natural law means. Something needs to fit together to stay or even go together.
Same as truth as well as lie’s never have or ever will fit together. After all in the end it’s the truth that will mean anything.
Suppose the earth and its inhabitants exist in order to identify just what causes mankind continually to suffer so many troublesome problems and afflictions.
At present, most persons decide to act on whatever happens with their thoughts. But doing so puts them in competition with one of the creator’s natural laws first identified by others.
The answer is not complicated. People must stop basing their behavior on their personal thinking. Instead they have to act on the creator’s thoughts, here being described in the English language as rational, honest, and morally right.

No longer should people reason from their concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, likes and dislikes, or whatever else comes to mind. Instead, mankind must think the creator’s thoughts. That enables them successfully to do what is rational, honest, and morally right.

That may seem incredible until understood. But, consider that it is the way that mankind can escape the death penalty everybody has been paying since the days that people were created.
Clearly our world is in trouble. With all our graft and corruption, our selfishness and cupidity, our lusts and overindulgences, our endless killings on highways and in battle, our dissensions and conflicts, our innumerable other examples of foolishness and the difficulties which result, we can hardly call ourselves collectively stable and sane.

Despite our spectacular material and industrial progress, we are lost in confusion. Our leaders advance from crisis to crisis in a world seemingly built of crises. Over all our tribulation hangs the ominous threat of the atom bomb—and worse.

Somehow we have let ourselves get out of adjustment.

Everyone knows that our human and social sciences have lagged far behind the advances of our physical sciences. Seemingly we know more about atoms than about ourselves. Our physical sciences gave us the atom bomb, and the atom bomb is unbelievably dangerous. But the only reason we had to develop the atom bomb, and the only reason it is dangerous, is that we have not successfully applied objective intelligence to the problem of getting along with and among ourselves.

What is the result?
Little is wrong in the world except what is caused by people’s intentional or unintentional misdeeds. True, there are occasional earthquakes, floods, windstorms or famine. But the seasons go along in reasonably orderly succession, and the vegetation renews itself each year without fail. That has been true in the past, and although the pattern may change at any time, it will presumably be true in the future. So it is clear that nature is not the culprit. Most of everyone’s suffering is caused by people. There is no use dodging that basic fact.
One of those assumptions is that society sadly needs relief from the wrongs caused by men. Another is that there cannot be the needed relief without a moral awakening that will open new channels of individual and mass thought, leading to a gigantic swing in private and public opinion. Another is that there must be reliable yardsticks and procedures for diagnosing those ills, for prescribing their cures, and for seeing that the cures are made effective.
All through the centuries people have believed they were free to behave as they chose, whether within the constraints of moral parameters or with total abandonment to their desires.
People who apply the Right-Action Ethic™ think it can stem the tide of wrong results washing across all levels of society here and abroad.
There is a well-known saying, “As you sow, so shall you reap.” History tells us that society has been sowing seeds of dissent throughout the centuries: Rulers dissent to rule, politicians dissent to be elected, ethnic groups dissent to control, parents and children dissent for the upper hand, and virtually everybody dissents to the reality of whatever is happening by emotionally taking sides politically, socially and spiritually.
Do people know right from wrong? Some people would argue that nobody can know, because what is right for one is not right for another. Careful questioning reveals that many of those argumentative people know more about what is right than they are willing to admit. When they want to get their way, their attitude is one of “I know it’s wrong, but I’m going to do it anyway.”
It is not primarily about a person or celebrity. It is about leadership and successful living.
While it is true that America is at peace, the Cold War is over and the USSR is defunct, it is equally evident that, individually and collectively, choices are being compromised, prejudices preserved and financial hardships continue unrelieved.

The good news is that there is a shaft of light piercing the gloom—a light that will lead Americans into a new day of world leadership.
members of a group of young people stopped their involvement in typical teenage trouble over smoking, drinking, drugs, and sex. The changes came one by one, but each change was sudden and effortless and proved to be lasting.

Preteen children also reduced their misbehavior sufficiently that they no longer needed scoldings or punishments. Instead, calling their attention to misbehavior proved sufficient to end it because the kids themselves had determined that they should behave themselves in a civilized manner.

Parents and school authorities were delighted. Numerous adults adopted and applied the same information in their vocational and private lives and ended their arguments. Anyone who thoughtfully and honestly considers all the details presently is able to understand why. At first some of the information may seem too good to be true—but that condition passes as soon as the information is fully and correctly understood.
Unchain Your Brain! Release Illogical Thoughts! People unknowingly lock their brains in chains with wrong thoughts. You can learn to “unthink” your way out of difficult situations.
Unthink Your Way Out of Trouble

“Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.”

Those words are often quoted but seldom understood. What they mean is that we think our way into trouble. Most of us are proud of our brainpower, but we are not proud of our ability to get into trouble. That is something we do inadvertently until we understand.

The process by which we do it is extremely subtle. Lust, for example, is an emotion that has the effect of driving a person in a wrong direction while reducing his intelligence. He is busy with consideration of what he wants. Therefore, he does not realize what he is doing to his mind. As everybody who understands the law of absolute right is aware, he is installing distortions of logic. What is a distortion of logic? It is a wrong idea accepted as a right idea, an untruth accepted as a truth, an emotional command to self. Once installed, it operates as if by compulsion.

“If ever I get the chance,” a young person might say to himself, “I’ll certainly take advantage of it!” He or she may suppose he is engaged in harmless but pleasant reverie; instead, he is moving into a mental trap. He may assert that by today’s standards sexuality is no sin, and he may argue that fantasizing about it has no really harmful effects, but such considerations are beside the point. The point is that he has deprived himself of volition on that topic.
Scripture starts with the creation of the physical realm and continues with the creation of the first man, Adam. The creator told him what to do and what not to do, and Adam followed those instructions.

One instruction was that he should not eat the fruit of the tree in the center of the Garden, or he would surely die. Adam happily obeyed.

But when given a female to help Adam tend the Garden, they both disobeyed by eating that forbidden fruit. Suddenly they became aware of their nakedness and hid from the creator’s sight. Their disobedience drove them from the protection of the Garden, and later they surely did die.

Even today, people have not learned from that incident to obey instructions found in the creator’s natural Law of Right Action. They have not stopped engaging in much forbidden wrong action but instead do as they please.

Most people know that certain of the creator’s natural laws if not obeyed are able to cause sudden death – gravity, for example. While other natural laws if not obeyed cause a plethora of unwanted, disagreeable results and eventually people die.

It is imperative to emphasize that those persons who truly want to survive, strive always to obey the creator’s natural Law of Right Action: think, say, and do what is rational, honest, and morally right.
Many people know that natural laws are self-enforcing, and if contradicted, the results are troublesome or may be fatal. It is also why wrong results accumulate from people’s decisions of right or wrong action and why death has been inevitable.

The creator’s natural laws created this planet and its people, but it is people who are destroying both the planet and themselves.

The giver of human life does not destroy human life. It is the receivers of life who do not live the rational, honest, and morally right way of life required by nature’s Law of Right Action. Instead, people tend to act as they choose and, sooner or later, they die.
Since the beginning of life on earth, unidentified laws of nature existed. Laws that, over the years, were observed and given names by researchers who identified them. Remember the stories of an overflowing bathtub and also the falling apple?
Persons who saw the reality of this Law of Right Action conformed to it. Doing so was not difficult, as they had already learned to obey nature’s Laws of Physics. Eagerly they adhered to the Law of Right Action.

Previously, they had also learned that thoughts determine their behavior and when irrational, critical thinking is interrupted with rational thoughts, their behavior becomes rational. But if irrational thoughts persist, the irrational behavior also persists.

As a result of changing to right thoughts, people lose their anxieties, their finances stabilize, and their relationships become conflict free.

Obeying the creator’s Laws of Physics has enabled people to live productively and safely. Similarly, obeying the creator’s Law of Right Action enriches their lives with peace and happiness.

Try it, it works!
No longer should people reason from their concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, likes and dislikes, or whatever else comes to mind. Instead, mankind must think the creator’s thoughts. That enables them successfully to do what is rational, honest, and morally right.

That may seem incredible until understood. But, consider that it is the way that mankind can escape the death penalty everybody has been paying since the days that people were created.
Read why the material world was created and the purpose it is still serving. It is a message of grave importance to a society distraught with fears of terrorists’ attacks, nature’s ravages, and economic woes.
One stipulation was, “of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it, or thou shalt surely die.”

Later, the creator formed a “help meet” for Adam who tempted him to disobey the creator’s instructions, and they both ate the forbidden fruit. That caused them to judge their nakedness as evil, so they hid from the creator. Their disobedience drove them from the Garden of Eden and ended the creator’s visits.
Is our civilization going the way of former civilizations, being destroyed by mankind’s shameful behavior? There is a remedy! And it is being used by people who obey the creator’s natural law of behavior identified decades ago .
Law of Right Action, requiring people to think, say, and do what is rational, honest, and morally right.

The Old Testament scripture quotes the Lord God speaking to the prophet Ezekiel, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die. But those who turn from their transgressions to do what is lawful and right will live. Wherefore turn yourselves and live ye.”

Learn more about obeying this Law of Right Action if you are concerned about mankind’s terror attacks and nature’s earthquakes, floods, and lightening strikes.
Consider that living by this Law of Right Action actually serves the creator’s purpose for mankind’s existence. Thus, when people’s behavior is rational, honest, and morally right, there would be no further destruction of this civilization, because simultaneously it would be providing a much-needed peaceful, productive environment for mankind.
Truth is a product of human thought and is fixed from the moment it is formed. Persons who reason from truth get stuck, while those reasoning from reality change their thinking as the reality changes – and it always does!

That is why people have to change their thinking to the creator’s natural laws and stop basing decisions on human truths.

Natural laws are inviolable as well as self-enforcing, making them unlike human words of truth. That is mankind’s choice; reason from human truths or from the creator’s natural laws.
Another troublesome problem is that people tend to claim credit for their right results; a grave mistake that prevents anybody’s ability ever to stop fighting for or against anything.

The Lord God told the ancient prophet Ezekiel to tell people, “Wherefore turn yourselves and live ye!”
Ever since recorded history, babies have been born into this life doing their own thinking. We could assume that thinking at birth reflects a total unawareness of the life into which infants are thrust. So what significance has that now?

Consider the emotional situation for a newborn. Its thinking is fearful and confused by its changed situation, but that very reaction is the purpose for which people are born.

Now, consider that coming into this physical environment is to resolve the misunderstandings in a spiritual realm, causing uncorrectable mayhem there. Thus, our changed thinking in the physical realm is being used to demonstrate obedient tranquility for the spiritual realm.
That is what is required of this generation. We must let the thoughts of the creator replace “our thoughts” so that we are rational, honest, and morally right. Then, as promised in the ancient Book of the prophet Ezekiel, we live and do not die!
Do you long for a new world? One with no conflict, no jealousy, no threatening words. One in which people’s behavior is caring, trustworthy, and productive. In this new world of people, their activities need no supervision. They do what reality calls for.

There are no locks on doors or windows, no legal contracts to assure honest compliance, no addictions, no crime, no poverty, no lack of any rightful thing or opportunity, no scoldings or punishments.

There is liberation from the tyranny of prejudice. There is plentiful food and shelter. There is full employment with unique opportunities for all.

More important, there is fellowship among people. There are neither strangers nor anybody to fear. There is stimulating activity so that daily life becomes an interesting adventure.
Do you know at my age of 68, that I lived in such a life as a younger child. My family as well as neighbors went to work daily as well as doors and windows were never locked even. That all changed later in life of course to where we are today. But, we all can change that, but will we?
It defines right action as thoughts, words, and deeds that are rational, honest and morally right. Unfortunately, people today are still blocking the birth of that new world by acting on their noble and ignoble motives.
Concerned persons suggest that unless there is an awakening, America’s republic will continue being transformed. Fortunately there is an awakening powerful enough to eliminate that juggernaut of governmental control: A Natural Law of Right Action.

This law states: Right action gets right results and defines right action as rational, honest thinking and behavior.

Unwittingly people contradict the creator’s law and do not look to themselves when their actions get wrong results.

That is the awakening information for this generation. When this natural law is not obeyed, everybody eventually suffers a kind of sleep from which there is no awakening.
Centuries ago the Founding Fathers of America established a country ruled in a God-fearing way by representatives of the people. Newcomers were welcomed, and over the years, people came in droves.

But now the present situation is giving thoughtful people concern.

The solution? People must heed nature’s wake-up call to obey the creator’s Law of Right Action, requiring people’s rational, honest thoughts and action.
Because nature’s behavioral law is also self-enforcing, humanity’s wrong action has already destroyed past civilizations. The question is: will this civilization suffer the same fate? We think not when people learn how to avoid it.

The solution is found in obeying creation’s behavioral law of right action. But since multitudes unwittingly disregard it, they need to learn that wrong results are ended only by obeying this natural law, calling for behavior the law deems is rational and honest.

Two blocks to people’s understanding this law is a desire to get their way and by taking credit when their way seems to succeed.

Unknowingly people have been paying with their lives for disregarding the creator’s law of right action, and it is rational, honest thoughts and behavior that let us share in the creator’s plan of life for mankind.

In the final analysis, this natural law “tells it like it is!”
Ask yourself, has Peace on Earth ever really existed? Historically, fighting for any reason, noble or ignoble, has led to more and more fighting. Individuals, if not at war, still are troubled by kinds of strife relating to their private affairs. This Essay tells why!

Ruling members of society and most people believe they are the arbiters of right and wrong action, and that is the mistaken belief making peace on earth inexorably unavailable.
When people hurriedly descend stairways, gravity does not know why they are hurrying. So a slight departure from a natural law delivers trivial wrong results, but if more serious departures are made, the results also become increasingly serious.

Thus in every aspect of life, it is natural laws actually ruling people’s results. Those who think, say, and do what is rational, honest, and morally right easily resolve difficult situations when they arise.

Clearly, obeying nature’s Law of Right Action is the formula for a peaceful, productive life provided mankind by the creator of life!
What remains is will we start today and begin with each and everyone of us start being honest with one another or not.