Sheep stay locked down from 7 Pm-6 Am

‎Monday, ‎March ‎23, ‎2020

Republicans & Democrats fight over FREE MONEY!
Just as I predicted, not just over the free money issue, but more and more states getting compared to be locked down because of health reasons. Meaning curfew, but still best have a good reason to be out and about. Soon a past will be needed, which may be hard at this time until all states are in the lock down position. But, people needing food/gas and so on, they will either go with the last odd number of your social security number or even number. With last names starting with a-g and then next day same social security number odd/even and last letter of last name h=k. Seen this type of thing take place when younger, but of course I never paid attention as most college kids are doing today. Freedom as well as my Rights mean more to me than some think there above or better than me appointed badge wearing/card carrying thug.
Now, as for that thousand dollars a month, would have made things a lot easier, but with so many states already following inline as most sheep do with the training they received in the government public schools. Respect thos thugs with bades as they are your friend. Still remember the ruse used back years ago. All teachers asking their students if their parents are using any type of driugs, just let us know so we can help them, and we will also help you for being a good daughter/son for getting help for your parents. That went fair as many were helped into jails and prisons and the kids helped right into CPS/DPS hands for strangers to be paid for taking care of dealers/users kids.
Think I am getting a little pissed by disclosing what is coming for you sheep? Oh wait, I have not shook that bag of goodies that you never knew happened or going to happen. Just bit and pieces is all I am able to do at this time. After all even if no one gets that free money or even get6s that free money. The small business already is facing going broke or really far into debt in order to bail out a family business. Hey don’t get me wrong I know the flu season is worst than last few. Even Ebola surprised me, as getting under control as I was in a country at the time that people were dying daily. But, this last tyime, just do what you need to and see doctor and your out of the picture for no one to notice. This time is a little different, the Government your friends want to enslave everyone, and best way to use medical lock downs and even stop travelling out of areas your living in. Anyone living on the road, well, surprise your going to live at the Walmart parking spot for months to come. Rest area, when it is that time for using the Army and Coast guards in every state, don’t think for a minute that it can not happen. I seen one time when they were able to close all access out of LA towards Bakersfield for 24 hours, years ago, but only the people on the road at that time even knew what was happening. They had hiway patrol telling people not to park on the side of the road, go back where you came from as next time I see you here waiting in this spot I will take your car and send you to the bus station for not following oreders. Exactly what took place is what people say was a bad accident thirty miles away and they were closing all areas of access for going around. They have ways to lock up the freeways and even county roads that you think no one knows about.
Don’t think for a minute that this corruption of a government doesn’t know what they are doing. America is no longer a free America. If it was then why are states starting to lock everyone down even if you don’t have that cormna flu #19. Orders to protect others means more than your single life of not giving a damn or feel it’s a lie and so on. But, seniors your first to disappear, Of course when you see me no longer ragging and ranting then go ahead and think I just died or just want to make you think I was or am correct. Many of you already know me well enough with fightering corruption in many places that will not happen on my own. If I get that flu, I will tell you. No, never in my life ever taken a flu shot. Even when I go to my yearly check up at the doctors I won’t accep[t any type of shot no matter how good it will be for me. In short at my age, I will not have any operations even if need one, feel at my age if it will kill me either way then fine, I will let nature do it. Sure maybe certain pills can be slipped into me later in the months ahed, but I already have made my mind up how to combat that even. Let’s see how far our governement wants to take away all the jobs from people as well as be in control of that small business owner. Government business owner share percentage and your able to reopen your small business if it is still needed at that time. Future meaning if schools remain closed though June as by then everyone will be broke and ready to have that sheep fur trimmed off. Just my thinking out loyd as always.

Bentonville County Sheriff’s arrests Today as of 0530 hours
BENNETT, MATTHEW T 31 W M 3/23/2020
Your able to see their pictures as well as the charges by going here: Save real money on Auto Insurance. A big savings over any other I have ever been with! Old & New
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