NW Arkansas Bentonville Jail


Sheriff of the Land (NW Arkansas)

Since an early time in this land, we’ve had many “hidden” places that most public awareness is NOT known or been “exposed”, I am telling you that most everyone in the jails and prisons are people that just need a home and a good job, excellent skills, but it seems that most employers aren’t aware of these high skilled labor people, and should be noting to add them and parole-probation services to your company-job list as hirable, and NOT discriminate against anyone with prior arrests, including felonies, if they are on parole it means they’ve EARNED it, and if you DON”T hire these people, it makes there “rate” of return to the prison, without a choice. You’ll be surprised at what your hiring a great worker, and good people.
Just remember the cops that stopped them and gave them the arrest, I warn your trusting anyone that would bring HARM to people’s job and family means to provide.

*The Arkansas State Hospital is once again under investigation, for suspicious employees and a long history of violence to their patience, including rape and over medicating persons so they are “drugged” which can lead to rape by the employees, it is true and it’s facts, please be cautious of anyone that would want to give your family or anyone a DRUG that is for their BRAIN, it’s a gimmick and it’s a form of abuse to humans, intentionally from “corrupt” doctors and nurses, orderly’s, the same way with the inmates in the department of Arkansas corrections, the inmates are well groomed and mild mannered, the guards and staff are “corrupt” and bring no good from the outside into these housing for correcting the person from being like those from the outside, doing wrong and getting off the narrow path, these inmates are good people and have a lot of love and kindness, I’d beware again of the guards and staff that you need to be cautions of their “positions” and what many of them use these jobs for illegal activities, and are not the good employees as they tend to fool by wearing a uniform, the guards are rude and nasty words.
Just the other day I toured the jail in Benton county, better foods, cleaner conditions, but the guards are “corrupt” and are filthy potty mouths that can’t seem to quit saying the F….word, *mystery shopper!

Say goodbye Social Security!


‎Thursday, ‎April ‎28, ‎2016
The next government shutdown won’t be theoretical. It’ll be real.
Home values will plummet. Jobs will disappear. Credit will dry up. The dollar will crash. And the government cannot be depended upon to provide basic services like police and fire rescue.
We have an America of people who feel entitled and are dependent. When they first introduced welfare in the Great Depression, they called it relief.

People were embarrassed to take it. They didn’t even want to admit it. Some people actually paid the money back. They felt so guilty about having gotten money that they didn’t earn.

We don’t have that type of ethic, those type of rugged individuals, in America today.

“We’ve got a society that thinks that they’re owed a living.”

When this collapse comes, they’re going to be blaming somebody.

It’s going to be dangerous, especially in some of our cities. You see how they react to minor problems. You see how they celebrate when a team wins the Super Bowl or the World Series. You get rioting and looting.
Imagine what would happen if there was a genuine economic crisis.

Imagine what’s going to happen in our cities if the dollar collapses, and then we have shortages of goods – because the government imposes price controls.

Or what if there’s rolling blackouts because the government is rationing power. Because that’s what the government might do.

We had gas lines in the 1970s because the government didn’t allow the market to function – and they put in price controls. Well, do you think we’re any smarter now? No. We’re dumber! So we’re going to repeat those mistakes.

So imagine what’s going to happen in this country when there are shortages of basic goods, shortages of food, shortages of energy.
The national debt actually exceeds $100 trillion. Say, what you thought or were told twenty trillion. Really, wake up as things are soon to be a reality soon!
Do we do it honestly by admitting we’re broke and restructuring the debt? Meaning that people don’t get paid 100 cents on the dollar. That includes people who are expecting to get Social Security checks or government pensions. They’ll be told that they’re not going to get what they were promised – because the country is too broke to afford it.

Or are politicians going to try to paper over their inability to pay with a printing press?

Is the Federal Reserve going to monetize all this debt? Are they going to print all this money?

I believe that it’s going be the latter.

I think that that’s exactly what they’re going to do. They’ve laid a foundation for it. But they call it quantitative easing as if it’s a good thing. Well, I think we’re getting ready to have a lethal dose of quantitative easing.

Then I think we’re going to have a dollar crisis. The United States recently passed a very troubling milestone. The national debt now exceeds the value of the entire U.S. economy.

Any homeowner underwater on their mortgage knows what happens when you owe more than the value of your home, and none of the outcomes are good.

America has to borrow every month just to pay the $86-billion interest on its debt. More than 14% of all government revenue is now being sucked up by interest payments.

To keep up the government’s illusion of solvency, policymakers are quietly refinancing the debt to the tune of billions of dollars every week.

Imagine extending the mortgage on your house to 80 years.

Well, the Treasury’s secret rollover mission has extended the length of America’s debt to levels never witnessed before in history. Something I believe is unconstitutional.
We’re the world’s biggest debtor nation. We have the biggest trade deficits in the world, and we don’t promise to pay any gold for our dollars.

So this system is going to come to an end, and with it is going to be the artificially high standard of living that Americans have enjoyed.

Of course, our standard of living has declined over the decades. But it’s about to go over the edge of a cliff. What will you do without Social Security or a pension check? With a bankrupt government, what happens to entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, unemployment benefits, Fannie and Freddie?

Gone? Well, those benefits, those entitlments, are the reason the country is bankrupt.

First of all, nobody is entitled to anything.

You’re not entitled to somebody else’s money. You’re entitled to what you earn yourself, but you’re not entitled to what somebody else earns.

Of course the government maintains the illusion that some of these entitlement programs are actually funded – the Society Security “trust fund.”

But there is no trust fund. There’s nothing there. Every dime that the government has ever collected in Social Security taxes has already been spent. They spent it going to the moon, fighting the war on poverty, fighting the Vietnam War, fighting the war on terror.

That money is gone.

Yes, the government has replaced it with an IOU to itself, but that’s not real. You can’t write yourself a check and then count your uncashed check as an asset.

If I buy a government bond, that’s an asset to me because it’s a liability to the government. But the government can’t own its own bond and claim it as an asset, because it’s also an offsetting liability.

So the trust funds have never been there.

The entitlement programs are run based on the same principles as a Ponzi scheme. That’s all it is.

You’re not entitled to the proceeds of a Ponzi scheme.

As long as the government can keep up the charade, it’s going to pretend that these are solvent programs. But eventually they are going to implode.

And ultimately, again, I think that in order to avoid the political embarrassment of having to admit that there’s no money – and that we can’t afford to make the payments – they’re just going to run the printing presses.

Meanwhile, a lot of people now – record numbers of people – are taking disability early from Social Security.

So the whole thing is broke.

In fact, right now the government is already paying out more in Social Security benefits than it collects in taxes. And that’s during this so-called recovery.

What’s going to happen in the next recession?

If you think this was a bad recovery and, of course, this was the weakest recovery ever – wait till you get a load of the next recession.

“If the recovery’s this bad, wait till you see what’s in store.”

So this whole thing is going to implode.

The government is trying to keep it going by pretending there’s no inflation. Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs) didn’t go up at all. So last year people on Social Security – I think for the first time – didn’t get an increase in their benefits for inflation. Because the government claims there is none.

Well, that lie can only go on for so long.

But what they’re really doing by pretending there’s no inflation is cutting Social Security benefits. But they’re going to have to cut them a lot more.

In fact, they’re basically going to eliminate them completely – either honestly by not paying or means testing the program… or dishonestly by just printing so much money as to render the benefits worthless.
Now this is just about the government my friends. Just think what is going to happen when your not able to pay your state, city or county taxes? You think that police and firemen will work for free? Just a little bit to think about when SSI, Social Security and food stamps are taken away. Look at the Obama medical care. Have you paid your share this year? Of course you have, it was taken from your tax refund. You were warned and now get ready for the real thing in less time than you think.

The next big crisis in America


Monday, ‎April ‎25, ‎2016
Monday Blues are just the beginnings…
Roughly 75% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, with essentially zero savings, according to a recent study by Bank-rate.
The “labor force participation rate” (basically the percentage of able-bodied people who are actually working) has fallen every year since 2007 and at the end of 2015 was at its lowest level since the 1970s. (Source: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
How can things really be “normal” in America, when the number of people on food stamps has basically doubled since Barack Obama took office… and when HALF of all children born today will be on food stamps at some point in their life? Yes, you read that correctly: Roughly 50% of all children born in America today will be on food stamps at some point in their lifetime. Does that sound “normal” to you?
Can our country really be back to “normal” when, according to the most recent numbers from the Census Bureau, an incredible 49% of Americans are receiving benefits from at least one government program EVERY SINGLE month?
Or when 52% of all American workers make less than $30,000 a year?
Can things really be “normal” in America when at one point, a single U.S. government-controlled agency (the Federal Reserve) was purchasing up to 70% of the bonds issued by the U.S. Treasury – simply by creating money out of thin air?
Or when the “too-big-to-fail-banks” that got bailed out in 2007 are actually 25% larger than they were back then?
And how can things be normal when our country’s money supply has increased by 400% since 2006 — all just printed out of thin air…. it should scare the heck out of you…

It shows that what has taken place over the past few years with the U.S. dollar is something straight out of Wiemar Germany… or the last 20 years in Zimbabwe.
The next big crisis in America is NOT going to be a “banking crisis” like we had in 2007.
It’s going to be a currency crisis that’s much bigger… and government bailouts aren’t going to do a damn thing to help.
Today, we as a nation owe more money to more people than any nation in history. We owe more money than all of the European Union combined. And U.S. debt per person is more than twice as much as in the E.U.
Back in 2014, they pointed to a rising stock market… recovering real estate prices, and declining unemployment. They said, “Hey, things are back on track.”

But now it’s clear there has been no recovery — and the situation is going to get much worse, before it ever gets any better.


Nearly 70% of Americans lost money in the markets in 2015. And this year things are even worse.

The overall stock market fell more than 5% in January — one of the worst starts to the year in stock market history.

Serious strains are emerging in almost every corner of the global credit market. Bloomberg says credit ratings downgrades are higher than they’ve been in 7 years.

And of course, we continued piling up more debt in fiscal year 2015… adding another $326 billion. As of February 1st of this year, we topped $19 Trillion in total national debt.
Meanwhile, our government would have you believe (without any proof whatsoever), that it can order the Federal Reserve to prevent interest rates from ever rising to a level that would cost the American people or the government anything.

And most of our politicians believe (again, without any proof whatsoever) that they can stimulate the economy by even more deficit spending, so that it grows faster, allowing tax revenues to produce a surplus.
Hopefully You must know better. No one can be this stupid not even the following sheep in America for the handouts that will cease to exist little by little.
Believe me, the fewer people who have to rely on the government for help, the better off we’ll all be.

Teachers go to to great lengths


‎Sunday, ‎April ‎24, ‎2016
Shit goes on at schools that students don’t know about?
In some places, before the school year starts, teachers will trade students like an NFL Draft.
I’ll trade you Timmy and Butters for Kenny.
You can have Kenny, but I’m going to need you to also take Eric.
Ohh – Uh – Eric is an asshole.
No Eric, No Kenny.
And in the fourth round, Mr. Johnson’s 4th Period Algebra II class selects…
I’m like 99% sure I got switched homerooms in middle school because the social studies teacher wanted the few students the math teacher had who were decent at dodgeball.
sometimes we trade kids because we don’t like to deal with their parents.
The 6th grade teachers always sit together at staff meetings and talk shit on the 7th and 8th grade teachers. The science teachers all agree about the one dumb science teacher who sucks. The assistant principal is REALLY nice, but everyone thinks he’s two-faced and insincere. One History teacher, “Mr. Jones,” will not speak a single word to one of the English teachers, “Mrs. Rice,” because she filed a sexual harassment grievance against him when he called the principal a cunt.
There is SO MUCH DRAMA at a middle school.
Why isn’t there a reality TV show about this already?
Bullying, cliques, and preferential treatment goes on with teachers, too. Sometimes (obviously not all the time), that teacher who goes out of their way to help you is causing themselves serious difficulties with other colleagues who view you as just some piece of shit.
Yup! Have seriously stepped on some toes advocating for students.
I’ll be damned if I let a kid repeat a grade instead of graduate for a bullshit reason or not be allowed to go to prom for an equally bullshit reason. I think the only reason I’m kept around is because, hey, the school’s gotta keep graduation rates up or we’ll look bad.
I had a teacher who stuck her neck out to help me in the 8th grade. I was seriously depressed. Before that year I’d been a straight-A student in chorus, ballet and the “gifted program.” That year I was in an abusive relationship with an older guy, started drinking and sneaking out, quit doing my homework or even showering for days at a time.
She would call me to her room during her off-period, telling other teachers she needed me to finish a test or that I was in trouble with her. She’d ask me what was wrong, let me catch up on homework and sleep or just cry without having to go to the bathroom where others could hear me. She ended up winning teacher of the year a few years later. I hate that I wasn’t the one to nominate her because she was probably kinder to me than anyone I’ve met since. Either way, God Bless.
An assistant principal caught having sex with a teacher in a classroom. It was kept pretty quiet. There were suddenly several openings at the school.
Psycho parents that threaten to sue at the drop of a hat when their kids are obviously at fault. They’ll grow up to be giant fuckbags, just like momma.
Small town politics. They had a team that was hugely successful and were the pride of the town. The entire team’s staff were forced out because of huge budget cuts and were replaced with cheaper staff. Psycho parents didn’t like that and made the year hell for the replacements. They would send threatening letters to the head guy and show up at his house.
Teachers HATE standardized testing way more than the students do.
Why would we hate standardized testing? It is fun. I enjoy sitting there for two hours (for each class) watching you take a 50 question multiple choice test that is used to determine 1. If you learned anything all year, despite having a month of school left. Despite the fact that Sally is sad because her boyfriend just broke up with her. John can’t focus because he hasn’t eaten anything all day. Robert came home late from his job last night, and can barely stay awake. And Luke is high, again. Finally 2. This is then used to help determine my pay for next year.
Hate you say. Hate is not strong enough. Loathing is a better word.
It’s even better for us ESL teachers. We have kids who don’t understand the language, even moreso than the other kids, required to take the test. I had two students who started coming to school the Friday before the Common Core math test, straight from the Congo. Yes, they were required to take the test. Their scores do not count for their teachers, of course, but they had to take the test without having learned any of the math. Thank god first year ESL students are exempt from ELA, although they should also be exempt from math. Although honestly, they should have more time than that before it’s a requirement.
The fact that we have ESL students take these tests is a testament to how fucked up the program is. Luckily (in my experience) ESL students tend to be more willing to put in the effort for school. They come from environments and families that have a high value on education, while many of my upper middle class students take it for granted.
Psycho parents that threaten to sue at the drop of a hat when their kids are obviously at fault. They’ll grow up to be giant fuckbags, just like momma.
One time this kid in high school called this girl a bitch in the middle of class, the teacher heard, and gave him detention. I shit you not, after the class I heard her tell another teacher that “the bitch had it coming” abd laughed about the whole deal.
That’s when I realized that teachers were real people rather than some glowing entity of authority.
Teachers go to to great lengths to invent euphemisms for report cards. You think a kid is a pain in the ass, or stupid or lazy. You know parents won’t accept that kind of language, so you improvise.
Writing report card comments is truly a work of art.
You “write a shit sandwich with extra hidden shit between the lines” as my dad always says.
At my school they have pre made ones and each has a code and on the report cards they put the code then you have to look online to see what the code means
Edit: I’ll see if I can find the full list. Found them.
Cody has been a pleasure to have in class. He has been eager to share his knowledge with classmates and enjoys taking a leadership role. As he moves on to middle school, a greater interest in reading may help develop Cody’s critical thinking skills. Cody has also made progress appreciating other people’s perspectives. Best of luck in Grade 6!”
Translation: “Cody was an asshole. He spent the year spewing ignorance and we are all significantly dumber because of it. The dumbest of his classmates believe he is a god. He is graduating elementary school solely because our district doesn’t buy into retention. He reads at a 2nd grade level despite countless hours of special education. He might have a chance to shoot for the stars and achieve a 3rd grade reading level like his parents. But even if he does, he will still be an asshole with sociopathic tendencies. Have fun in puberty.”
This hits really close to home.
My car was searched in high school. The drug dogs came and the kid parked next to me had weed in his car. But due to protocol they had to search mine. That motherfucker tore my car apart. What they found: Zantac 75 in the glove box, and a steak knife (inside of a lunch box) in my trunk. Both belonged to my dad since I was allowed to drive his car to school. He told me that because of these items I wouldn’t be allowed to go to homecoming.
Oh lookout! He’s got Zantac! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
No, but seriously, what a fucking asshole. Not the good kind either.
One of the assistant principals at my high school started fucking hitting on my mom when she had to come up to the school for some reason or another. I mentioned it to one of my teachers later on and she was like, “Oh yeah, Mr. XYZ, everybody knows he’s a creep.” A little heads-up would have been nice!
The students don’t realize how tight the money is in most schools. The one where I used to work seriously considered asking each student to bring in one ream of paper for the first day of school, so that we could use the paper money for maintenance. They decided not to do it because they didn’t want the poorer students to be penalized for being poor.
Also, on a funnier note: students don’t realize how much teachers trash them in the lounge. Let me explain: we know a lot of things about them, they think we don’t understand when they talk but we do, we’re also not blind. And some of my colleagues were real blabber mouths who looooove teenage drama.
Edit: I live in France. Here school is supposed to be free. In practice, I would say that schools try to keep it as free as possible. Kids do have to buy supplies but for themselves (paper for their notes not photocopies, binders, pens…), never for the school. I am surprised from the comments below to see how much some of you have to buy for your kids’ schools, it really gets me wondering about the poorer students…
Edit 2: I’m amazed by the amount of things some of you were required to bring to your school. For me, this is one of the times when I realize that cultures vary widely between France and other rich countries.
Reminds me of my daughters elementary school. Even though it is in a nicer neighborhood, we would get these outrageously long lists of stuff each kid needed to bring on the first day. Tp, soap, ziplock bags, envelopes, boxes of red pens, sanitary wipes, etc. The list her last year there cost almost $300.
I remember there was this girl I liked, it was probably obvious, but anyways. My English teacher would always pair us up for everything, even things that probably didn’t need a group to complete, she would pair the class up and we were always paired together.
The class was small (12 kids) so we had a lot of time with our Teacher and it felt like we all learned more. My crush’s boyfriend was in the class, and my teacher paired him with one of the other two girls every time. I started to notice this and other signs that she was trying to hook me up and break them apart.
Always being paired up, sending us off to pick up supplies together, or asking both of us to deliver a note to another teacher. Always putting us together. Always silently nudging us together. I remember we had the “write an essay about your partner” assignment. Of course I’m paired up with crush.
Teacher came to our desk to give guidance on questions and the like. Said we should really flatter our partner in our essay but tell the truth. How we really feel. I didn’t catch on until a year later, of course, and I felt awkward and didn’t want to write anything too nice because then it would be obvious I liked her and we didn’t want that, did we?
Looking back I see all the little signs and gestures she tried to do to help us together. I’m convinced the secret santa was rigged because I got her name and she got mine. I’m convinced that it wasn’t random that we always got partnered. I’m positive that “Hey anon, doesn’t crush look lovely today?” was her way of trying to help us make some chemistry.
I realized teachers talk about students in-depth one day. I was working a lot when I was 16 at two different fast food places and doing a paper route and cutting lawns because I wasnt living at home and struggled to support my autistic brother who had just been kicked out of school for fighting. My school work was crap and I was in zombie mode during the day. Three random teachers called some parent teacher meeting and my mom and step father who came in with their new 6 month old baby and put on an act of concerned parents. I was kind of caught off guard when I was put on the spot and they asked me what I was going to do with my life. The teachers asked about my home life in front of my parents and I lied and said I wasnt interested in school and planned to join the military. Later that day before I left, a teacher pulled me out of class and said:
“After that meeting, I get the feeling your parents dont really care”
Again, I was caught off guard. I just said “yeah.”
“I’ve never said this before to a student, but your parents dont care about you. Your life is going to be a lot more difficult than those around you in ways you dont understand yet. I have a packet of classwork for the rest of the year, if you complete it, you pass.”
Most of my other teachers gave me packets too but none of them talked to me in the same way but their demeanor all changed. The teacher that talked to me became a principle the next year. The school worked out some kind of arrangement that allowed me to graduate a year early. This was a DoDEA school so I’m not sure if a lot of the same rules apply to them compared to normal public schools. The look on the teachers’ faces when they handed me packets of random classwork was like they all had a meeting and announced I was terminally ill or something.
We talk about the students a lot. It’s not mean spirited; a lot of the time it’s how we can do this or how we can stop them doing that or what strategy worked to get so-and-so talking or who is really sad and not talking in class any more because her mum died….
It helps us know what’s going on, how to help, what to change, any good new ideas someone has etc. Sometimes we also blow off steam if someone is particularly awful. That helps us go back in tomorrow with a smile on our faces and treat them kindly.
I always wondered how many teachers noticed when I went through a really rough time one year in high school. Only one teacher asked “hey…are you okay?” Even though I simply replied yes and went on my way, I still think about that years later and how great a teacher he was for trying to reach out.
Very true. Some people are too optimistic and think everyone awful just needs help. Some people are too pessimistic and think everyone awful is just an asshole. I think you’ve got the most realistic view. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and awful kids often seem to have parents who are awful too…
AN example: One little boy didn’t seem to understand or respect boundaries. He would go where he wasn’t invited or known and wound up alienating a lot of the other kids and having no friends. He struggled socially.
One day his father came to school to pick him up and saw me. I was walking back to the teacher’s lounge. He walked along with me and he told me how intelligent his son was and various other things. As we got to the teacher’s lounge I thanked him for the chat (I actually do like hearing about the children, it helps me to understand them) and opened the door and walked inside and sat down at my desk – and turned around and found that he had followed me inside. He then sat down at another teacher’s desk and carried on talking to me, this time about himself, how he was self educated and had two degrees, one in computer science and one in chemical engineering… a few minutes later a few of the other teachers arrived back from their classes and stopped inside and stared at this unknown person sitting inside at someone’s desk. After a few minutes more he decided he was done and got up and wandered out, after which the other teachers wanted to know who he was and why he was in our staff room….
I’ve known a couple that were awful in class…but when they saw me after school would come and say hello and smile and really seem to enjoy seeing me.. it’s a bit of a shock at first.
I guess they don’t always realise how difficult they’re being…and whereas some are doing it intentionally, some aren’t, they’re just struggling with being themselves and they have a self that isn’t particularly suited to being in a classroom or dealing with others…
I’ve also seen some that were genuinely awful, mean to others, I’ve seen a boy try to stab a girl in the eye with a pencil. (He missed and left a mark on the bridge of her nose).
I’ve seen a few kids change their behavior for the better, seemingly long term…I can’t say I’ve seen awful to nice, awful usually stays awful, but I have seen poor to better or poor to good.
In general, if the kids are awful, usually there is something wrong with the parents too. Not always, there are exceptions, but it’s a pretty good general rule. Last time I said this I got voted into negative; people seem to hate this idea…
Our principal just got deported to her home country for working without a visa. The parents heard that she had a death in the family and had to get on a plane in the middle of the night. Little do they know, she will never be back.
Edit: woah people,
chill with the racism. This isn’t in the US.
You’re always adjusting and modifying. Every class every year has its own community. Plus there are always fun new ways to do things.
Most kids aren’t aware of this – but we have long and detailed discussions about each and every one of them (especially the ones we consider or think will face trouble in the future).
If you’re a student – you’d be amazed to eavesdrop on our talks about you – I bet you’d work like crazy if you knew what the teachers were saying about you to each other.
We’re sworn to secrecy about each and everyone so nothing ever leaves the building though. Vow of silence prohibits any teacher or anyone working with kids to spread sensitive information about them that could possibly harm them in the future.
My boyfriend is a teacher, and I’ve heard the conversations he and his fellow teachers have when they get together. They do talk a lot about students, and not just about academic performance. They gripe about certain kids (“that Jones kid is such an asshole”) and gossip about others (“I hear Smith and Brown are dating.” “Really? I thought he was dating Chan?”). They speculate (“I’d bet that Taylor will be pregnant before the end of the year”), but they also praise (“You hear Rodriguez at the Talent Show? She can really sing!”). I think it would shock some people to know how much teachers actually know about a lot of students. They overhear way more than students think they do.
That everyone who keeps trying will get a high school diploma. We are just handing those out. If you fail a class… go to summer school… principals tell teachers to pass seniors.
There’s kind of an unspoken rule in journalism that they don’t report on suicides a lot because of the tendency for them to set off others to do the same.
I think they should do the same thing for mass shootings because they have a lot in common.
If it was reported, it was likely reported like “Found dead on school grounds, police are not releasing the cause of death but they say there is no danger to the public and they aren’t searching for any suspects.” That’s pretty much the boiler plate language for murder suicides or suicides that are reported because the body was found in public.
There’s a whole department of people above the school that makes everything work, we are talking thousands of people. Legal, HR, IT, Finance all the way down to things like departments that make canteen/cafeteria rules. 1.1. There’s a lot of people in the school that make things work as well, HR, IT, Grounds, Food, Specialists
You principal has a boss, many in fact
Teachers are mostly just normal people. Some sleep around a lot, some marry other teachers, some just up and leave one day because they couldn’t take it any more, some are just weirdos, some are racist, some are creepy, some are stupid, some are really smart but just can’t control a class, some have addiction problems and take a holiday mid year. 3.1. You know that home ec teacher that hates you just because you are a man, or that shop teacher who’s just a bit too creepy? We know, no we aren’t going to talk about it but yes everyone knows. 3.2. They know a lot about you, they know your parents are abusive. Some of them want to help but there isn’t a whole lot they can do.
Teachers have seen it all before, the alternative vibe you’re going for isn’t that alternative when half the school is doing it.
We hate your parents as much as you do
The amount of money it takes to run a school is just nuts, try take a look at your schools finances.
Most of what I’m about to say has already been said, but questions like these give me an opportunity to rant and not feel like I’m being a bother.
Gossip is rampant among teachers. You know that student who annoys his or her fellow classmates? We talk about how much of an asshole that student is and how we can get the student to stop being such a prick. The gossip isn’t all bad, though. We talk about students who are troubled and how they can be reached. We talk about the super smart kids who taught US something. We talk about how our bad class drove us crazy or how our bad class wasn’t terrible for once.
Another thing: most teachers have no idea what they’re doing half the time. Sometimes we don’t know how to follow through on punishment. Sometimes we don’t know how to control a class. Sometimes we have no idea how to fill out the paperwork we received for one of 100 different reasons.
There’s also the issue of communicating with parents. We hate it. We’ll put it off because we don’t want to talk to your mom or dad. We don’t want to get you in trouble most of the time, and we don’t want some stranger yelling at us. The fact that it seems as if no parents provide my school with an email address makes talking to parents even more uncomfortable.
I’ll sum it up like this:
Most teachers face the same life doubts as everyone else. We fake confidence like everyone else. We are just like everyone else.
Teachers have cliques in the same way students do. Principles are either your cool manager or satan looming over your shoulder on a daily basis. The end goal of the day is to make sure we covered enough teaching material while you guys don’t stab each other or hurt me in the process. Our day doesn’t start at 9 and end at 3; more often than not we’re here at 7 prepping for the day (or later in the week) and here till 4:30-5:00pm working on grading assignments and other menial tasks or taking them home to do before bed. Summer vacations are often spent planning and working on future lesson plans, not lounging by a pool drinking and listening to music, although that still happens from time to time. Report card comments take longer than anything else that goes into teaching. We talk shit about students in the same way students talk shit about teachers behind their backs.
I used to teach and if there was a kid who was dumb but a nice person who tried and gave me no trouble I’d somehow find a way to pass him/her.

Retirement;Tired Of Paying For Your Freight


‎Thursday, ‎April ‎21, ‎2016
I just want to weigh in on the public pensions problem. As a person who will only retire when I save enough of my own money to do so, it makes me sick to see how easily teachers, cops and firefighters get plush pensions after 20 years of work or so. I’m forced to pay my taxes for these public leeches – BEFORE I’m even able to save for my own retirement. This is not fair.

I hope that all public employees get put onto 401k type investment vehicles ASAP. Save and pay for YOUR own damn retirement. I’d be OK to kick in a bit of a match, but no more.

Here’s the million dollar question for which I’d love to get a logical response from from a public servant: WHY should I pay for your retirement? Why shouldn’t YOU save/pay for your own retirement like the rest of us?

Here’s a better idea: let’s have all public workers pay for for all private workers’ retirements! Our “public servants” could then REALLY earn their mantle! Hey public workers – waddaya think? Don’t like it? Don’t WANT to pay me 75% of my salary (with full healthcare) for the rest of my life? Well, then maybe you can see it from our taxpaying perspective now!

And please – don’t think that I’m forgetting about that painful 6-9% pension payment you are all making. Good for you! However, this paltry sum doesn’t come close to paying for your 75% of your salary pension payments – so please hush on that justification. Let’s make it all TOTALLY FAIR by putting you onto the SAME savings plans we are on: Social Security and whatever you can save yourselves in 401ks and IRAs.

It would also be nice if you would stop justifying your pensions by saying that you were “promised” these ridiculous benefits. Sure. Just like Bernie Madoff’s first ponzi “investors” were promised their returns. When the scam was uncovered, the original investors had their money taken away because the WHOLE thing was corrupt. Just like the pensions that were promised to you by “buy my vote” politicians. In negotiating your pensions, NO ONE was there really representing the taxpayers’ interests. And you know it.

And by the way, while you profess that teaching is hard, that being a cop or a firefighter is dangerous, etc., if you don’t like it: change jobs. That’s what people do in the real world. You all say you “…do it for the children!…”, or because you like to protect and serve, etc. Cool. It’s so nice you aren’t doing mainly to retire at 45 with 75% of your base pay. Surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre.

If you’d really like to understand how f’d up we are to allow public unions, have a look at the two YouTube teacher’s union videos below:

Response to Wisconsin Teachers’ Union

Teachers Unions explained

They are HILARIOUS! Unless, of course, you are the ones PAYING the bills. . .

Now – let’s see if the vote whores downstate can make this happen. The best news in this whole story is that you are about $80 billion away from getting your ghost pensions. Truly – good luck with that. I’ll be moving to a no state income tax state when I retire.

Tired Of Paying For Your Freight

.When children are brought up in a nudist or clothing optional setting


‎Thursday, ‎April ‎21, ‎2016
So what’s all the big issue about?So what?I’ve seen either sex facilities at clothing optional resorts with zero problem.Isn’t it about LONG past the time we broke down our artificially gender divided social ‘norms’ anyway?Any COMPETENT shrink (read;A VERY unusual one!) could tell you that enforced repression/separation, is the CAUSE of so many psycho-sexual ‘issues’ in the first place!

So we’ll just have to bite the bullet and reprogram our minds towards a MUCH more tolerant viewpoint of just how the Human body looks naked, and it’s bathroom functions and just about everything else about it.

Ever notice how we are ENDLESSLY shown how to kill maim and torture it through graphic media sources?But we are shown precious little about how to care for it in an everyday environment of casual trust and public view!That’s how twisted as a society we are.

AmeriKan drones killing and maiming thousands of innocent men women and children every year with very little protest from our MORAL community.But let the SACRED DOMAINS of women’s locker/dressing rooms be ‘INVADED’ by the opposite sex, and the shitstorm of outraged MORALITY begins!Whew!

But not to worry.The (L)GBTQ types are not much interested in women to start with.I parenthesized the ‘L’ since Lesbians are indeed VERY interested in other women, but we NEVER hear of ‘creepy’ women using women’s dressing/locker rooms as venues of voyeurism, oh no!

So let’s all just sit back and get a grip on reality.When children are brought up in a nudist or clothing optional setting they quickly satisfy their natural curiosity at a young age and grow up with a healthy non objectifying attitude towards both their own and others bodies.Our sick repressed society does just the opposite.This needs to change.In a BIG way.

A truly free society would be genuinely clothing optional among other things.Ever hear the expression used by nudist protesters;”Keep your laws off my body!”?

The fact that certain people are ‘deeply offended’ by the mere sight of their OWN species naked in public is a sad testament to the longterm work of social engineering over centuries of church/state powers of systematic repression.Reversing this ingrained paradigm WILL take time and patience!Like any other aspect of our sick, militarized, greedy, Earth-destroying ‘civilization’, this problem needs a LOT of relearning and deprogramming to become not a problem anymore.Yeah, I know, easier said than done.Especially since the above mentioned sources of systematic church/state repression are STILL actively working to keep our collective heads screwed on firmly backwards.

However this may be, there are countless beautiful people out there that are totally willing and psychologically able to go through their lives in both public and private stark naked.We need more of this.The sharing of dressing/locker/restrooms is a logical step in the right direction.A step on the Road to Shambala.

Why fuck the asshole?


‎Wednesday, ‎April ‎20, ‎2016
Playing with the butt-hole is pretty cool, mainly because it feels nice. And who doesn’t want to feel nice? There are people out there who think sliding your thumb into a nicely lubed-up asshole is for gay people, and maybe it is. Gay means happy, right? Because that’s exactly what I am when someone’s rumpling-and-pumping or slowly tickling the inner-walls of my rectum.
Historically, oral sex was taboo, and now it’s sexual bread and butter. Societal norms and attitudes around sex continually shift and stretch to include a whole host of new sex acts and kinks.
Apparently 15 percent of gay guys don’t ever do anal sex. If any of that 15 percent are reading this, YOU SHOULD TRY IT! Until you’ve had your bell rung from the inside, you haven’t rung your bell at all. Sure, it’s gonna hurt the first few times, but fuck it, get your boy to stick it in your lil’ bum and cum, cum and cum again! It’s great! One warning though, if you go down the rabbit hole enough times, eventually you’re going to find a rabbit. But in this case, that “rabbit” is “poop”.
This girl I know just came out to her friends in a bar, people overheard, announced it to the room and then strangers bought her drinks all night! Great, huh! Another guy I know just came out to his family, and his brother tied his hands behind his back and threw him into a river! Less great, huh! I guess, most of the time, coming out stories are somewhere between those two. Pretty much no dad punches the air when his son brings home a boyfriend, but not too many reverse the car over him, either.
Still, the main thing about coming out is that it’s probably best to ACTUALLY DO IT. I know, at times, it can be kind of exciting to have a big secret you’re hiding from everyone (like you’re Alex Mack or Batman), but every day a gay man spends in the closet makes him a little bit crazier. So bust down those doors or come to terms with becoming Jeffrey Dahmer Reloaded. Unless you live in Saudi Arabia or some shit. In which case, keep it under wraps.
Meth used to be the gay drug of choice. Back in the day, queens would fuck themselves up on it and then go to shitty parties with shitty music and pop a bunch of Viagra and have a tonne of unsafe sex and get HIV. Meth is awful. Never do meth. Ecstasy and pot and acid and K are OK, I guess, but can everyone promise to stop messing with meth? And mephedrone or whatever that new shit is that even old men are doing now. “M” drugs are bad, guys. Knock them off.
My best friend is egocentric. He’s your average snobbish dickhead no one wants to deal with – Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting but with less muscle. But we’ve been friends for just so long and he’s painfully honest with me. He’s cool with telling me my last article was pure shit and my outfit is “the most ridiculous thing since the post-punk era”. I’m pretty straightforward myself, but there’s something I can’t tell him: I hate that he’s so self-centered and that he forces me to be the one listening and nodding all the time. I love talking with him, I just think it would be healthy if we change the topic every now and then.

Fishing vs Sex

1 ‎Wednesday, ‎April ‎20, ‎2016
Whats the difference between love and marriage?
Love is one long sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock. What does marriage do? Puts a ring on a woman’s finger and two under the man’s eyes. Boy: “I love you so much, I could never live without you.” Girl: “Is that you or the beer talking?” Boy: “It’s me talking to the beer.” How do you properly make love to a fat woman? Roll her around in flour and find the wet spot! Whats the definition of a happy marriage? One where the husband gives and the wife takes. Whats the difference between love and marriage? Love is blind and marriage is an eye-opener! Who is the perfect husband? One who keeps his mouth shut and his checkbook open! When is it okay to Love thy neighbor? When her husband is away on business! What is love? The delusion that one woman differs from another. How did the girl get a prince to fall in love with her? She wore a raspberry beret. What did the condom say to the erection? If you really love her, wear a cover. Why shouldn’t you marry a tennis player? Because love means nothing to them! What’s a man’s definition of a romantic evening? Sex. What is the ideal marriage? One between a deaf man and a blind woman How do you turn a fox into an elephant? Marry it. What did the toaster say to the slice of bread? I want you inside me! Did you hear about the love affair between sugar and cream? It was icing on the cake. Why do men love big tits and a tight ass? Because they’ve got big mouths and little dicks. What does a good employee and a lousy lover have in common? They’re always coming early. What are three words you dread the most while making love? “Honey, I’m home.” How do you transfer funds even faster than electronic banking? By getting Married! What happened when two vampires went on a blind date? It was love at first bite! What’s the difference between love and herpes? Love doesn’t last forever. Why did the cowboy have shit in his mustache? Cause he’d been lookin’ for love in all the wrong places. What’s the difference between love, true love, and showing off? Spit, swallow, and gargle. What do you call it when a boy and girl make love for the first time? Cumming of Age. After a quarrel, a husband said to his wife, “You know, I was a fool when I married you.” She replied, “Yes, dear, but I was in love and didn’t notice.” What kind of rings do men need for marriage Engagement Ring Wedding Ring Suffe-Ring Endu-Ring Making Love is like math. Add a bed, Subtract the clothes, Divide the legs, and pray you don’t Multiply! Boy: Have u ever been fishing before? Girl: Why? Boy: I think we should hook up! Knock Knock Who’s there? Olive! Olive who? Olive you! The gods gave man fire and he invented fire engines. They gave him love and he invented marriage. True love is when your pet comes to your room on its own. Roses are red, violets are blue, if you love Star Wars, may the force be with you. Stop with all the bread jokes. I don’t love bread, I loaf it I love pressing F5. It’s so refreshing. L.I.F.E. = Love Is For Everyone Love is gambling, not with money but with your heart. You can always get money back, but you might not get your heart back. Love has 4 letters, but then again so does beer. I love strong, powerful mothers. They can open jars without my help. “Do you believe in love at first sight? How about misery after three years?” “Girl, this isnt a beer belly, its a fuel tank for my love machine! “Let it rain, let it pour, because you don’t love me anymore.” My love for you is like a concave function’s positive first derivative, because it’s always increasing. I love you with all my boobs, I would say heart, but my boobs are bigger. The best way to propose to a woman is to carry her on a boat, paddle the boat to the middle of the river then tell her “Marry me or get off my boat” Relationships are like fat people. Most of them don’t work out. Love is a sensation, caused by a temptation, to feel penetration. a guy sticks his location in a girl’s destination, to increase the population for the next generation, did you get my explanation, or do you need a demonstration? Falling in Love A man fell in love with the girl of his dreams. They were perfect for each other, except for one minor problem: She was an Ohio State Buckeyes fan and he was a Michigan Wolverines fan. He decided to make the ultimate sacrifice and become a Buckeyes fan. He went to the doctor and asked if there was an easy way to do this. The doctor replied, “Yes, it’s a very simple procedure. What we do is go in and remove half your brain. When you wake up, you will be an Ohio State Buckeyes fan.” The man agrees, and the next week goes into surgery. After he wakes up the doctor comes up to him concerned. “Sir, I apologize, but there was a mix-up with the scalpel. Instead of removing half your brain we removed 3/4 of it. How do you feel?” The man sat up, looked around, and said “GO SPARTANS!” Women Love Poems AT WORK, Michael: Why you white guys always so happy? Casey: Because I make love to my wife every morning before work. Michael: Say whaaat? You get her to make love EVERY morning? How do you do that? Casey: It’s easy, I just say a poem, women love poems and will fall for them all the time. Michael: Ok, what kind of poem can you say to make her make love every morning? Casey: I say, “blonde hair, blonde hair, eyes of blue, I love to wake up and make love to you. Michael: HAHAAA she falls for that? Casey: yes you should try it. NEXT DAY TYRONE COMES IN WITH BLACK EYE FAT LIP AND A TOOTH MISSING. Casey: What happened to you? Michael: Well, I said a poem to my wife and she didn’t like it. Casey: She didn’t like it??? What did you say? Michael: Nappy head, nappy head, eyes like a frog, if I could roll your fat ass over I would do you like a dog. No Friends One time when I was talking to my mom’s co-worker he said that he had no friends. He said that all of his friends were either married or dead. And my friend who is with me says to him “What’s the difference?” Married Life A husband and wife were in bed watching tv. The husband had the remote in hand switching back and forth between the porn and fishing channels. The wife got pissed off grabbed the remote and kept it on the porn channel and said to hubby.. “Leave it on the porn channel you already know how to fish.” True Love A man and his newlywed check into a mountain resort by a lake. The desk clerk notices the “Just Married” sign still on the car. As soon as the man gets the luggage out of the car, he hops in a boat to go fishing. He is out all day, comes back for a quick supper, picks up his lantern and goes back out at night. This goes on for a couple of days when the man happens to stop by the desk. The clerk starts a conversation with the man and mentions his behavior. “I know it’s none of my business, but I was wondering why you weren’t having sex with your new wife.” “Oh, I couldn’t do that; she has gonorrhea.” “Well, what about anal sex?” “Couldn’t do that; she has diarrhea.” “There is always oral sex.” “Nope, she has pyorrhea.” “Wait a second. If she has gonorrhea, diarrhea, and pyorrhea, why did you marry her?” “That’s easy. She also has worms, and I love to fish!” Nursing School A woman enrolled in nursing school is attending an anatomy class. The subject of the day is involuntary muscles. The instructor, hoping to perk up the students a bit, asks the woman if she knows what her asshole does during an orgasm. “Sure!” she says, “He’s at home taking care of the kids…” Fishing vs Sex You can catch and release a fish, you don’t have to lie and make it promises. When you go fishing and you catch something, that’s good. If you’re making love and you catch something, that’s bad. Fish don’t compare you to other fishermen neither and don’t want to know how many other fish you caught. In fishing you lie about the one that got away. In love you lie to still be friends after you let it go. You don’t have to necessarily change your line to keep catching fish. You can catch a fish on a 20-cent nightcrawler. If you want to catch a woman you’re talking dinner and a movie minimum. Fish don’t mind if you fall asleep in the middle of fishing.

Your a fucking DEVIL SLUT


‎Wednesday, ‎April ‎20, ‎2016
Hershel & his Whore love sickness
First of all I was dating a psycho and that was you. I was nice to you and all u could do is talk shit about me to lesbo friends. Maybe if u laid off the drugs you’d be normal. OMG the feds r taping my phone and wiping my computer, their coming into my house really ur psychotic. Get ur head fixed. You wanna talk about racist all’s you talk about is nigger this nigger that. Your a fucking racist. Go OD on ur meds and the meds ur friends r giving you. I take pictures of u sleeping, your more fucked up than I thought. So do the work a favor go burn in hell cause all u r is the fucking devil.”
Not surprised you are now calling ME a racist when your bashing gays and lesbians? Do NOT bash GLTG…..(transgender) to me!! I am live and let live!! I do NOT judge people for who they love , loser…..you’re such a fucking loser. I’m gonna show them this shit from you. ……and we gonna get ready. Because Summer would fuck you up, she’d fuck me up lol…….some asshole like YOU ,,,,,,some FREAK!! broke in her house about a year ago to RAPE her. She beat the fuck out of him. Guess who they took to jail a month later…..yeah…..her. Sound familiar……keep digging that hole you fag……..you want me to scream another mans name…..no problem. Jeremy. There you go.

I’m listening to that old song “You Can’t Bring Me Down” Suicidal Tendencies …..
“who the hell you calling crazy, you wouldn’t know crazy if Charles Manson was eating froodles on your front porch.” Bwhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great old song……and you cannot!!!! I RAWK and you know it !!!! You’re a sour old man…..get the FUCK over yourself……its so old.

Yeah ~ I had no problems with the feds ……you KNEW about it. Until I took away my pussy. Now I’m CRAZY ~ ~ LOL…….you’re a fucking loser that harassed every single last woman you ever stuck it to. Every man that ever HAD my pussy ~ not to sound crass….but they went fucking loopy loop. You just another one. No fucking interest outside what TV has taught you because mama certainly raised a fool here. Wanna see the paperwork……yeah I’ve been had the shit kicked out of me and I still hit the gym today. I can hardly walk…..its all good though. Because a guy like YOU steps to me I will fucking handle it. Myself. Thanks for the weapons. I deserve them

Its called lack of self control ~ of which your friend has MUCH. He doesn’t need my pussy to live. He has other opportunities in life other than me. Perhaps even better ones……who knows. Doesn’t make me into what you’re calling me. You fucking DICK.

Tell me please……….I wanna know because the stories you have embellished about torturing people and such ~ would have had me in the ground if you were who you said you were…or is that if you kill me…..you gotta deal with all the other people that fucking wanted to throw me down that hole themselves,,,,,,,, bring it!!! ……you a fucking “Steffy” yourself and don’t you forget it when I’m walking though this fucking state with REAL BODYGUARDS. …..and I OWN THIS MOTHERFUCKER BECAUSE I WILL> AT LEAST MY PART.

I fight for it. I win it. Its called Capitalism ……and I love it. Where else could a NOBODY such as myself…..live long and not prosper. LOL

Yep yep…….you got that right.

Want to hook up with a woman/man.


‎                                                              Tuesday, ‎April ‎19, ‎2016
GAy or straight is your business

I would just like to take a few moments to post of few helpful tips to you men that are trolling Arkansas, Rogers,Bentonville for fun. Not looking for any responses as I won’t reply, let alone probably even not bother to read any.

I realize this is the internet and anything goes from the ridiculous to the downright disgusting. Actually read an ad yesterday where a man was looking to lick another man’s DIRTY ass. That is disturbingly disgusting on so many levels but whatever, I am sure he found some takers. In fact seen some take so many cocks up their ass I wonder what is really left behind after each one.

I see a lot of men get pissed when they realize that 95% of the W4M ads are hookers. Well what do you expect really? Especially the married men who think they can get something for nothing. There are a lot of single cocks out there, just because you are married doesn’t make yours anymore special. True, you may be able to find a woman who is in the same predicament as yourself but you run the risk that she is in an unhappy marriage and will be coming to you with all kinds of emotional baggage. Do you really want a fatal attraction on your hands? Goes for those into each other as well.

Okay so you don’t want to pay for it, that’s fine but just think for a moment before you reply to the chick that has posted pics of herself with all 3 holes stuffed and not condom in sight. Do you honestly believe that she is DD free? Is that something you want to risk taking home to the wife? Some men though get off on being with dirty cum dumpsters and that’s fine but you will eventually reap the consequences on that action.

Pics. So much to cover here but I will try to keep it brief. Yes, I know you all are proud of your hard cocks and like taking pics of it but let’s try to do a little better hmm? Those pics of your hard cock with your socks on in a dirty bathroom/bedroom? So not hot. Try to be a little artistic and that doesn’t mean resting it on the toilet or dirty sink or have a ruler next to it.

And to the gym rat poses? Yes you may have a great bod and work hard at it but those “muscle man” flexing pics just say you are self absorbed which equals a selfish lover or even worse, the dreaded steroid shrunken penis syndrome. Seen so many muscle men and all I could do not to laugh abd get my own ass beat for some size not even as long as new born.

For the single guys, there is some hope for you if you don’t use phrases such as “pounding that pussy” “older women turn me on” “What ladies want to suck this cock?” Yes exactly, what ladies indeed. Same for men to men straught or bi or whatever the case may be.

One last thing, guys if you do get with a chick and things seem to be going well, don’t ruin it by trying too hard. ie; slobbery kisses, trying to shove four fingers up her pussy without any kind of fore play and for shit sakes, take off those goddamn socks!!!

P.S. I am amazed at how many men in the Northwest Ar. area are looking to suck cock and be bottomed out. Not that there are many quality men for single girls in this area to begin with and now the playing field is even more narrow. To each his own I suppose…but lol @ the men who say they are looking for “other straight men” to play with. Um, that is the opposite of straight fellas. If you want to suck dick or get sucked or fucked by another then dude, you are gay. Just embrace it. Bi is a word and may think you like both women and men. But, really now what is it really?

P.S.S. Also, when sending a first response to an ad, be creative or at the very least, somewhat literate Boring responses = boring encounters.